Jonathan Nolan - Biography, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Filmography (Read)

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Jonathan Nolan - Biography, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Filmography

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Jonathan Nolan - Biography, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Filmography

Jonathan Nolan - biography, date of birth, place of birth, filmography, clips, Writer, Director, Producer, Actor.

Born June 6, 1976, London is an Anglo-American screenwriter, director, producer and actor.

grew up in Chicago and then graduated there - in Illionois, at Loyola Academy, which he graduated in 1994. After that, Nolan entered Georgetown University in Washington, where he studied English and worked for the famous student newspaper The Hoya.

Right after graduation, Jonathan Nolan came up with a story for the short film memento Mori. His older brother, at that time little-known novice director Christopher Nolan, really liked the plot. So, together they wrote the script for the film "Remember" (2000). The tape was distinguished by a very non-standard narrative - the main character suffered from daily memory loss, but tried to restore the chain of events that were important for himself - as a result, the protagonist revealed secrets together with the viewer, and the whole plot was literally assembled piece by piece. Remember received two Oscar nominations, including one for the screenplay by Jonathan Nolan.

In 2005, the Nolan brothers co-wrote the film Prestige, based on a book by Christopher Priest. The story told about two magicians who at first were partners, but gradually turned into sworn enemies, coming up with more and more new ways to destroy each other. Christian Bale and Hugh Jackman played in the "Prestige", and the picture received excellent reviews of the profile press and two Oscar nominations.

After that, Jonathan Nolan took part in the creation of the plot for the second Batman film - "The Dark Knight" (2008) - together with David Goyer and his brother Christopher, who directed the picture. It turned out to be the most successful film adaptation of the adventures of a superhero - more than a billion box office receipts and the highest ratings on various aggregators and statistical sites. But most of all, the audience in this film remembered the antagonist - the Joker, who was brilliantly portrayed by Heath Ledger. The actor died before the premiere of the film, but posthumously received an Oscar.

In February 2011, the series Out of Sight was launched, produced and written by Jonathan Nolan. At the center of the story is a mysterious billionaire who is the developer of a program that predicts future victims of crime. The protagonist cooperates with a CIA agent to unravel a chain of murders using the capabilities of his sophisticated technology. Jonathan Nolan's project was to the liking of the audience and the show was successfully broadcast on television for several seasons.

In 2012, the premiere of the third Batman film, The Dark Knight Rises, took place. The script was again written through collaboration between the Nolan brothers and David Goeira. The tape consolidated the success of the sequel and grossed over a billion dollars around the world.

Read also about Mikhail Yezepov.

All Information About: Jonathan Nolan - Biography, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Filmography.
Author: Jane Watson
