Lev Kolesov - Biography, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Filmography (Read)

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Lev Kolesov - Biography, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Filmography

Lev Kolesov - Biography, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Filmography

Lev Kolesov - biography, date of birth, place of birth, filmography, clips.

The famous comedian and theater director Lev Nikolaevich Kolesov is from St. Petersburg (02/15/1910). The whirlwinds of the Civil War threw the future artist to Krasnodar. There, Lev Kolesov joined the Komsomol, and also began his career, playing in the Krasnodar Theater of Satire (1928-1929). A year later he moved to the city of Moscow and performed as part of the acting troupe of the then popular propaganda theater of satire "Blue Blouse" (1930-1931). But the actor played really serious and interesting roles when he came to the Realistic Theater (1931-1933) Memorable for L. Kolesov was the image of the student-geologist Suvorov, whom he performed in the play “Treasure.” The actor also collaborated with the Leningrad Youth Theater, and since 1940 he performed permanently on the stage of the Comedy Theater in Leningrad. It was here that Kolesov played him best roles, which were distinguished by external restraint, but by a penetrating internal psychologism.

In his native comedy theater, L. Kolesov, as a director, together with N. Akimov staged the play "Lies on Long Legs" (1956), in which he also played the role of the main character - a poor but self-confident Libero. this work is a solo performance by Kolesov.

For the first time on the screen, viewers saw L. Kolesov in 1936, when he agreed to star in the role of Major Buturlin in the film Journey to Arzum. The subsequent roles of Lev Kolesov in the cinema were bright and memorable. In the film directed by I. Shapiro, Sofya Kovalevskaya (1956), the actor played the husband of the main character, the noble Vladimir Kovalevsky, and in the historical drama Baltic Glory (1957), the admiral of the Russian fleet. Also, the actor reads the author's text in the film adaptation of the play by Kuhl (1957).

In subsequent years, L. Kolesov appeared on the Soviet stage a lot as a true master of the artistic word. He reads Chekhov, Bunin, Yesenin and other classics with inspiration.

For how many years Lev Kolesov has made an invaluable creative contribution to the development of Russian culture. For many years of work in 1968, the actor was awarded the title "People's Artist of the RSFSR".

Lev Kolesov has gray eyes, light brown hair color, light skin and middle lips. The shape of the face is oval, the forehead is medium, the hair is curly, soft. Lev Kolesov did not change his hair color, preferring natural hair. The actor has a medium straight nose and a rounded chin. The actor's height is 169 cm, no tattoos.

Zodiac sign - Aquarius (02/15/1910)

All Information About: Lev Kolesov - Biography, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Filmography.
Author: Jane Watson
