Yuri Zhdanov - biography, date of birth, place of birth, filmography, clips.
Actor, dancer and artist Yuri Zhdanov was born on September 29, 1925 in Moscow. The artist studied at the Moscow Choreographic School until 1944, as well as at the choreography department at GITIS until 1968. From 1944 to 1967 Zhdanov was a soloist in the Bolshoi Ballet. In the theater, the artist took an active part in all the central roles.
The main roles of Yuri Zhdanov were performed in such productions as Giselle, Swan Lake, Red Poppy, Don Quixote, Romeo and Juliet, Chopiniana, Fountain of Bakhchisarai. Zhdanov was a constant partner of Ulanova.With her, Yuri Timofeevich went on a tour of Russia, then to Paris, London, Hamburg, Berlin, New York, Brussels, Washington and several other cities in which the artists performed. After the tour in 1954 Zhdanov starred in two films: The Masters of Russian Ballet and Romeo and Juliet. In the latter, the artist Yuri Zhdanov played the main role.
Zhdanov also danced together with such famous artists as Maya Plisetskaya, Svetlana Adyrkhaeva, Olga Lepeshinskaya, Raisa Struchkova, Sofia Golovkina and other outstanding ballerinas. Yuri Zhdanov gained fame and recognition in many countries around the world.
In 1981, a film was released with Yuri Zhdanov called I am Khortytsya. This is a dramatic film about the war years, where Zhdanov played one of the main roles, and the artist also received many awards for this role.
The artist began his artistic career in the 1950s. Zhdanov studied art at the school of the famous master Shegal. Yuri Zhdanov organized many of his own exhibitions and became a member of the Union of Artists of the USSR.
On April 9, 1986, the talented ballet master and painter Yuri Zhdanov passed away.
Yuri Zhdanov has brown eyes, naturally dark hair color, light skin and medium lips. The shape of the face is oval, the forehead is high, the hair is curly, thick. Yuri Zhdanov did not change his hair color, giving preference to natural. The actor has a medium straight nose and a rounded chin. Yuri Zhdanov sometimes wore glasses. The dancer's height is 180 cm, no tattoos.
Zodiac sign - Libra (09/29/1925)
Read also about Sergey Dvoynikov.All Information About: Yuri Zhdanov - Biography, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Filmography. Author: Jane Watson |